In this post of Green Hat Expert, we shall show you the list of SEO stop words.
List of SEO Stop Words
Have you ever heard that there are words that Search Engine ignores and do not pay attention to them? There are several common words which you should avoid while writing your content. We can also call it Google stop words which Google ignores in its search engine.
Yes, it is true that Search Engine disregard common words which we call stop words. Google does it to save space in the database which enables it to skyrocket indexing and crawling process.
Here is the list which contains a valid list of stop words for SEO which search engine ignores.
- able
- about
- above
- abroad
- according
- accordingly
- across
- actually
- adj
- after
- afterwards
- again
- against
- ago
- ahead
- ain’t
- all
- allow
- allows
- almost
- alone
- along
- alongside
- already
- also
- although
- always
- am
- amid
- amidst
- among
- amongst
- an
- and
- another
- any
- anybody
- anyhow
- anyone
- anything
- anyway
- anyways
- anywhere
- apart
- appear
- appreciate
- appropriate
- are
- aren’t
- around
- as
- a’s
- aside
- ask
- asking
- associated
- at
- available
- away
- awfully
- back
- backward
- backwards
- be
- became
- because
- become
- becomes
- becoming
- been
- before
- beforehand
- begin
- behind
- being
- believe
- below
- beside
- besides
- best
- better
- between
- beyond
- both
- brief
- but
- by
- came
- can
- cannot
- cant
- can’t
- caption
- cause
- causes
- certain
- certainly
- changes
- clearly
- c’mon
- co
- com
- come
- comes
- concerning
- consequently
- consider
- considering
- contain
- containing
- contains
- corresponding
- could
- couldn’t
- course
- c’s
- currently
- dare
- daren’t
- definitely
- described
- despite
- did
- didn’t
- different
- directly
- do
- does
- doesn’t
- doing
- done
- don’t
- down
- downwards
- during
- each
- edu
- eg
- eight
- eighty
- either
- else
- elsewhere
- end
- ending
- enough
- entirely
- especially
- et
- etc
- even
- ever
- evermore
- every
- everybody
- everyone
- everything
- everywhere
- ex
- exactly
- example
- except
- fairly
- far
- farther
- few
- fewer
- fifth
- first
- five
- followed
- following
- follows
- for
- forever
- former
- formerly
- forth
- forward
- found
- four
- from
- further
- furthermore
- get
- gets
- getting
- given
- gives
- go
- goes
- going
- gone
- got
- gotten
- greetings
- had
- hadn’t
- half
- happens
- hardly
- has
- hasn’t
- have
- haven’t
- having
- he
- he’d
- he’ll
- hello
- help
- hence
- her
- here
- hereafter
- hereby
- herein
- here’s
- hereupon
- hers
- herself
- he’s
- hi
- him
- himself
- his
- hither
- hopefully
- how
- howbeit
- however
- hundred
- i’d
- ie
- if
- ignored
- i’ll
- i’m
- immediate
- in
- inasmuch
- inc
- indeed
- indicate
- indicated
- indicates
- inner
- inside
- insofar
- instead
- into
- inward
- is
- isn’t
- it
- it’d
- it’ll
- its
- it’s
- itself
- i’ve
- just
- keep
- keeps
- know
- known
- knows
- last
- lately
- later
- latter
- latterly
- least
- less
- lest
- let
- let’s
- like
- liked
- likely
- likewise
- little
- look
- looking
- looks
- low
- lower
- ltd
- made
- make
- makes
- many
- may
- maybe
- mayn’t
- me
- mean
- meantime
- meanwhile
- merely
- might
- mightn’t
- mine
- minus
- miss
- more
- moreover
- most
- mostly
- mr
- mrs
- much
- must
- mustn’t
- my
- myself
- name
- namely
- nd
- near
- nearly
- necessary
- need
- needn’t
- needs
- neither
- never
- neverf
- neverless
- nevertheless
- new
- next
- nine
- ninety
- no
- nobody
- non
- none
- nonetheless
- noone
- no-one
- nor
- normally
- not
- nothing
- notwithstanding
- novel
- now
- nowhere
- obviously
- of
- off
- often
- oh
- ok
- okay
- old
- on
- once
- one
- ones
- one’s
- only
- onto
- opposite
- or
- other
- others
- otherwise
- ought
- oughtn’t
- our
- ours
- ourselves
- out
- outside
- over
- overall
- own
- particular
- particularly
- past
- per
- perhaps
- placed
- please
- plus
- possible
- presumably
- probably
- provided
- provides
- que
- quite
- qv
- rather
- rd
- re
- really
- reasonably
- recent
- recently
- regarding
- regardless
- regards
- relatively
- respectively
- right
- round
- said
- same
- saw
- say
- saying
- says
- second
- secondly
- see
- seeing
- seem
- seemed
- seeming
- seems
- seen
- self
- selves
- sensible
- sent
- serious
- seriously
- seven
- several
- shall
- shan’t
- she
- she’d
- she’ll
- she’s
- should
- shouldn’t
- since
- six
- so
- some
- somebody
- someday
- somehow
- someone
- something
- sometime
- sometimes
- somewhat
- somewhere
- soon
- sorry
- specified
- specify
- specifying
- still
- sub
- such
- sup
- sure
- take
- taken
- taking
- tell
- tends
- th
- than
- thank
- thanks
- thanx
- that
- that’ll
- thats
- that’s
- that’ve
- the
- their
- theirs
- them
- themselves
- then
- thence
- there
- thereafter
- thereby
- there’d
- therefore
- therein
- there’ll
- there’re
- theres
- there’s
- thereupon
- there’ve
- these
- they
- they’d
- they’ll
- they’re
- they’ve
- thing
- things
- think
- third
- thirty
- this
- thorough
- thoroughly
- those
- though
- three
- through
- throughout
- thru
- thus
- till
- to
- together
- too
- took
- toward
- towards
- tried
- tries
- truly
- try
- trying
- t’s
- twice
- two
- un
- under
- underneath
- undoing
- unfortunately
- unless
- unlike
- unlikely
- until
- unto
- up
- upon
- upwards
- us
- use
- used
- useful
- uses
- using
- usually
- value
- various
- versus
- very
- via
- viz
- vs
- want
- wants
- was
- wasn’t
- way
- we
- we’d
- welcome
- well
- we’ll
- went
- were
- we’re
- weren’t
- we’ve
- what
- whatever
- what’ll
- what’s
- what’ve
- when
- whence
- whenever
- where
- whereafter
- whereas
- whereby
- wherein
- where’s
- whereupon
- wherever
- whether
- which
- whichever
- while
- whilst
- whither
- who
- who’d
- whoever
- whole
- who’ll
- whom
- whomever
- who’s
- whose
- why
- will
- willing
- wish
- with
- within
- without
- wonder
- won’t
- would
- wouldn’t
- yes
- yet
- you
- you’d
- you’ll
- your
- you’re
- yours
- yourself
- yourselves
- you’ve
- zero
Arsalan Rauf is an entrepreneur, freelancer, creative writer, and also a fountainhead of Green Hat Expert. Additionally, he is also an eminent researcher of Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Social Media, premium accounts, codes, links, tips and tricks, etc.