Wattpad is a site that allows you to publish stories and read user-generated stories.
There are three login methods on Wattpad which can be used as per your choice.
The options are Facebook, Google, and email.
If you’re using Facebook for login process, Wattpad will set your username automatically like your Facebook name.
For instance, if your full name on Facebook is “Arsalan Rauf”, your Wattpad username will be automatically set as “ArsalanRauf”.
You can change the username in your account settings if you do not want to use the full name.
This post has more than 400 good, cool, and aesthetic usernames for Wattpad for boys and girls, most of which are not taken.
I will also tell you what is a Wattpad username and whether they are unique.
What is a username on Wattpad?
A username on Wattpad is used to recognize your account.
Additionally, you can use your name to search for the stories you’ve composed.
Other users can also use your username for the purpose of tagging, they can tag you in a comment or dedicate a story to you.
If anyone wants to follow you on Wattpad, the user will need your username to find your profile.
You can change your username whenever you want.
However, you need to have your Wattpad password in your mind to change it.
When you change your username, others can use it as their own.
Are Wattpad usernames unique?
Yes, Wattpad usernames are unique and they cannot be the same.
It shows that you cannot use the same username as another user is using on Wattpad.
If you try to do it, you’ll get the “That username is already taken” error.
The characters of your username must be 6-20 characters long.
Additionally, you cannot have special characters such as spaces or exclamation points.
Good Wattpad usernames
- Firsteary
- Flexcity
- Givent
- Groomedme
- HearMoon
- Hemocated
- HinchProdigy
- HumanMaid
- KhadContent
- Spandyna
- Tachas
- Thnewski
- BlinkLucy
- Linkle
- LiveGot
- Misseuws
- Nameri
- Runnsto
- Scoopia
- ShcamFeisty
- AngelicEarl
- BrightPuffin
- PreciseClouds
- FatMouseDeer
- OrganicPeace
- ExclusiveVibes
- Silverflex
- Slypeat
- Snoopyhe
- SummersFun
- Therest
- Thiefan
- Thieffi
- WasabiSound
- Auranny
- Irvines
- Isoocha
- JamePrestige
- Lowereet
- Market
- Musicon
- Phimora
- Phonems
- RobFreak
- Rockerne
- Authorce
- BlackenBeast
- Buddle
- Chooseil
- DeckGrinder
- Hartus
- Hecker
- HulkWoman
- Incare
- Inovala
- RosaCooled
- Rozsh
- Shiyant
- Snowin
- Stroorp
- Trampr
- Wisenn
- Wizking
- DonaldGiga
- Eardrexia
- Featureams
- Fluctorks
- GuruKid
- Mellowerti
- Mitzitest
- NateInsider
- Nathearg
- Peachnist
- AngelsAquatic
- BenSpark
- Birdical
- Brahmania
- CartNearly
- ChickTinker
- Chicomec
- Choosolis
- Cureassi
- Dianta
- PlatinumSister
- RomanceUn
- Roxns
- SaberXp
- SakiMidnight
- SnoopyDrummer
- SuruMore
- TaintedTricked
- Theomedia
- Incamore
- InterestExpert
- KatHi
- LilSnoop
- MafiaKool
- MaidPlot
- Mesocomat
- Missieve
- Obeishatf
- Olympobit
- Updatavin
- 2hothe
- Airatera
- BitLog
- BuffyLex
- Cequireco
- Dollydeot
- Fraikalia
- GameTwinkle
- Genterga
- Penguinukin
- Pervalte
- Piercelleu
- RacingCoops
- Reenceci
- Reporthwes
- Satelitra
- ScoobyYounger
Cool Wattpad usernames
- HanSnoopy
- Hiront
- InsideLasting
- Ivisite
- Keecomp
- Loyasilv
- Lulasmed
- Marketer
- BeyondTheCities
- AngelicPorcupine
- PeachyHoneydew
- DullCandle
- MoodyTwoShoes
- Socioeconomically
- GnomeFlirty
- Meenheta
- Messagel
- NateSimple
- RunningLife
- Terficat
- Tingjuri
- TipsCent
- Train2cool
- BeeConn
- CampyEternal
- Condstet
- Conspiracts
- Crepist
- CrispCrown
- Dagenywi
- DaysTrippin
- DigyPuff
- Trickedia
- Undsheli
- Websend
- Weirdic
- WizSpy
- Advicellon
- AllyMore
- Angelsouno
- Astain
- Drti
- Elinyxin
- Guycapi
- Ianro
- Karton
- Latestri
- Opoleph
- Parolig
- Pinken
- Poseaque
- Boltes
- Born2Nath
- Chroniclernco
- Cientswo
- Cleands
- Commellog
- Dantro
- Darereran
- Renextra
- Scannetc
- Segpuran
- SkyGotta
- SmartVital
- Smoothia
- Subwarefo
- AllyTricked
- Biggaris
- Lovestara
- NayborKool
- Neonalm
- PinChirp
- PreciseBal
- ReadyPat
- Singal
- SpuffyJolly
- Strali
- Weblogra
- Egotinger
- Entegicon
- Fallson
- Fleasent
- Fossegene
- Grantissa
- Insightha
- Marketry
- Messagalfi
- Pathmaas
- Abovern
- BrainyCar
- CeticCheese
- ChoneSupreme
- CrashPhia
- CrawlerSanta
- Creedex
- Darybo
- Dropperno
- Quanticha
- RadioBugs
- Roupsara
- Royalayro
- RyothAim
- Sencomusi
- ShadowHan
- Siparchea
- Stientrat
- XxSell
- Edgyou
- Erette
- Fantor
- Fatele
- GossipString
- GreatPlenty
- Hipck
- Inchoot
- InformerGet
- Kinet
- Willis
- Alphand
- Americti
Aesthetic Wattpad usernames
- Kikudora
- Lockjed
- LordSeen
- Nederre
- Oodrita
- Phosit
- PressStart
- Proce
- ReportInvader
- Smarma
- SpiritualDove
- HiddenPlatypus
- LiteralBaby
- PreciselyAquarius
- DeliciousPeach
- SquishySky
- FangRox
- GravityCountry
- SnowSomber
- SoftDoodle
- Standab
- Tamqrah
- Twilightsi
- Uggemp
- Vanderco
- Varics
- Witchar
- Eolands
- Epostor
- Filiters
- FlirtyProdigy
- Gamera
- Geniusen
- Hockeybe
- HorrayFestive
- LawPhobic
- Lunaton
- WubbaMatter
- Actuallyer
- AngelBreeze
- Angelsys
- Bestway
- Bloomco
- Bomberie
- Certory
- Chorlden
- Docmed
- EasyRaven
- Rudloider
- Senihane
- Snoophoof
- Sosailly
- Stewpiece
- Storminfr
- Synagilis
- SynchroSmg
- Triborgre
- Parthe
- Perfore
- PrideMud
- Primedv
- Prosys
- Readbo
- StargalGirl
- Steinde
- Cardick
- Caruckca
- Chirpreas
- ChoneDr
- Connines
- DonaldIntcat
- FallenWow
- FlashGlace
- Stroora
- TalkLovely
- ActiveRacing
- Aderrost
- Antontown
- Ballesys
- BradelCute
- BradleyJuz
- BroadwayLocal
- Gallecart
- Gamerosed
- Iwantrule
- Kingetra
- Medianapi
- Mintisle
- Minymote
- Moynaphop
- Netinabag
- BroodSpark
- ChiriWay
- Dhoundel
- Fashionixel
- Freshesco
- Glitzin
- GossipPapa
- Hasibeak
- Hemplect
- Nordcadi
- Parexstle
- Peatearph
- Phloxessa
- SharkSmg
- StargalLex
- 4meisen
- AboveGrand
- BoostHell
- Hondrield
- Impightfa
- Jambanken
- KurisuTiger
- Motoryli
- RadiantWorld
- Ravenerso
- Rosemanch
- Writincine
Final Words
Choosing a Wattpad username is an arduous task because it has millions of registered users.
Consequently, the username you want to use might already be in use.
If you are unable to create a Wattpad username, you can use the ones in the article.
The list of these usernames is in no particular order.
If the username for Wattpad is already taken, you can try adding a word in front of it.
For instance, if “Arsalan” is already in use, you can try adding “the”, “its”, “official”, etc., in front of it.
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Arsalan Rauf is an entrepreneur, freelancer, creative writer, and also a fountainhead of Green Hat Expert. Additionally, he is also an eminent researcher of Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Social Media, premium accounts, codes, links, tips and tricks, etc.