If you want to create a new account on Twitter, the first step is to come up with a username.
It can be a hard nut to crack to choose a Twitter username because you cannot choose a name that is already taken.
It is almost impossible to find a username that is not taken on Twitter due to its more than 200 million users.
However, but there are still some cool Twitter usernames available, you just need to go through the post for this.
I highly recommend that you choose the same social media usernames for every platform.
If you are unable to produce a new username, you can always select the username you have selected for other social media sites.
There is a great chance that you will be able to use the usernames that you are using on existing social media platforms.
This post has good, cool and aesthetic Twitter usernames for girls and boys and almost all of them are not taken.
You will also come to know whether usernames on Twitter are unique or how to pick a good Twitter name.
Are Twitter usernames unique?
Yes, Twitter uses unique usernames on the site.
In short, you cannot use the same username as someone else is already using on Twitter.
If your selected username is not available, you can add “hey”, “sup”, “the”, “its” in front of it.
In addition, you can also add underscore or numbers to it to make it unique.
You should consider using these tactics if the username is already used by anyone.
I personally do not recommend numbers and underscores because it will make your username complicate.
How to pick a cool Twitter name?
The first step to pick a cool Twitter name is to use your own full name for your Twitter name.
The process will enable your friends to find you with ease and they just have to put your name in the search engine of Twitter.
There are a number of users who use their real name as their Twitter name.
If you do not want to use your name and want to use a cool name so you can also go with an acronym or your nickname.
Cool Twitter usernames
- flylilies
- wondertasty
- wobblyadorable
- freshcongratulations
- rainbowglowing
- elationwishes
- warmbirds
- prinkypiglet
- casualheart
- sunrisesnowman
- warmthtipsycakes
- milkjellybean
- eatempathy
- teheburple
- energytwilight
- amusedteetertotter
- liliesrelief
- chocolatejumbo
- wombsyyay
- napjellybean
- wavesbirthday
- lovepopsicle
- bamboozledllama
- angelpopsicle
- snugglestruth
- lakefancy
- angelpanda
- whimbreltogetherness
- warmthspring
- cooperatewarmweather
- wonderfulpleased
- arglebarglelunch
- dadbloop
- paddywacksweetheart
- upliftingpassion
- burkinawubblybuns
- cheerpatient
- patientoverjoyed
- pumpkincollywobbles
- lollipopsbaby
- splashcute
- smilingrain
- daisywarmth
- joyouspatient
- snowflakesaglow
- beachpuppy
- purloinhumorous
- dreamshedgepiglet
- applepiecheer
- lollykisses
- soothingsafe
- napjubu
- poplinwarmth
- grintinytoes
- cozyspecial
- dimplestoodle
- songsnaffle
- wigglywispy
- angelsdazzle
- dimpleswonderful
- dawnluv
- muffintickle
- casualpleasant
- pipsqueekcupcake
- celebrationhornswoggle
- homejoyful
- poochcake
- dewhehe
- companionstars
- oceangiggles
- twilightrose
- congratulationssqueeze
- pandasmush
- friendshippuppies
- breathesoothing
- hubbadaylight
- lovesparkle
- homedrizzle
- goofiefire
- legoyay
- funtoodle
- anewtogether
- coolglad
- bunniebubbly
- inspirationalhobby
- tinytoesbreeze
- purloinhornswoggle
- sunshinebombsy
- bubblebathfriend
- bunnypillows
- chocolatemuffins
- homelaughter
- butterfliesrest
- luvjello
- moshipumpkin
- contentwiggly
- canoodlefly
- lovelyamuse
- shineshine
- sniftymom
- grintipsycakes
Aesthetic Twitter usernames
- goodbloop
- peppermintdownsteepy
- cleancelebrate
- tiddlywinkssammich
- welcomingbreathe
- surprisefood
- rainbowautumn
- wigglywhoops
- amazingbloop
- togetherlilies
- butterflysong
- jigglymitten
- fortunatecarriwitchet
- bunnytasty
- excellenceyum
- llamahealthy
- nappieskisses
- roseswarmth
- caprimulgusswing
- generositygarden
- frumpousflowers
- funpoetry
- favorfroglet
- snurfwhiffle
- yippeewrixle
- smileidea
- beautifulinspired
- coolpets
- blushcake
- pachinkotehe
- togethersnurf
- huffingyippee
- schnoopiechocolate
- hopefulcozy
- inspirationalflowers
- lovetoys
- calmpleasure
- fasollama
- soothingcooperation
- jubilantopen
- brumbydoodie
- humorenjoy
- bubblewhoopsy
- pinkmelody
- sandheart
- kawaiisuroses
- kisseskitty
- thrillcute
- lolgood
- lightwiggly
- peacesnowflakes
- bumberellwelcoming
- ticklesmooch
- heartchomp
- smittenpixel
- fancyuseful
- wrixletoot
- applenap
- rainbowwonderful
- delightfulred
- smilingtogetherness
- nostalgicpeppermint
- flypeaceful
- duhhubba
- dazzlecalm
- twilightgarden
- awesomepatient
- jigglybunnie
- whooshupbeat
- rosescribbage
- downsteepysmoochies
- babyfroglet
- kittybooks
- laughterbeautiful
- upbeatduhh
- pyewackethome
- shoopcurlup
- hubbasmile
- upbeatpillows
- togethernesspumpkin
- gobbledygookrigmarole
- bumberellkithly
- chiffchaffschnoogle
- pantsbefuddled
- doodledew
- purloindoodle
- milkaltruis
- beachcolors
- blithesparkle
- exuberantwhiffle
- tiddlywinksdreams
- lifewaterfall
- frumpousapple
- splashmarshmallows
- scuttlepresents
- snurfletiny
- freewelcoming
- rainbowgive
- rainchiffchaff
- firered
Good Twitter usernames
- zzzzzthanks
- dadgood
- woohoonap
- bumblenature
- dearbefuddled
- glittersoothing
- toysboondoggle
- chomptravel
- patiencecomic
- whoopsschnoop
- breathesmooch
- poodlebreathe
- anticipatelove
- pleasureblossom
- celebrationrenewal
- dadopen
- lolholiday
- duhhome
- paddywackalive
- awesomecheer
- hallelujahmuffins
- smittengenerosity
- hornswogglemild
- inspiredjiggly
- restamaze
- hehedaisies
- burkinaawesome
- hehecelebration
- walkcongratulations
- beancolors
- sweetheartjumbo
- cakesplonk
- alivestars
- pierainbow
- snowflakezzzzz
- cozylego
- beanglume
- amusedcompanionship
- exuberantwin
- restoremuffins
- tiggytigbeautiful
- sparkleforests
- foozlebooze
- freerunlives
- relaxfavor
- puppycool
- toysbunny
- lightheartedsparkle
- wishessnowflakes
- bamboozledfortunate
- kittygood
- tinytoesred
- cupcakecuddle
- sockemboppercool
- tastyfall
- soothingsnurfle
- kissesbreathe
- bahookiepresents
- ideadobby
- sweetheartroses
- snowflakewhoops
- rosesoft
- pleasedchildhood
- canoodleamaze
- dreamspeace
- strawberriesplay
- marshmallowsharmony
- familytoot
- llamaboondoggle
- grasshiney
- waterballoonsglitter
- glumelily
- presentssurprise
- sparklerose
- cansparkle
- tastycupcakey
- ticklefriendship
- bloominglovely
- enjoyrapture
- freshsunrise
- meeppiglet
- doodiegood
- hehecool
- warmthsnaffle
- prinkyhoney
- rosesgarden
- milkcontent
- hubbatehe
- birthdaypleased
- piggildyblithe
- fallmilk
- luvbubbles
- anticipatesnurf
- successwobbly
- humorpiggildy
- jellybeanswhiffle
- blossomrhubarb
- hopefulwubblybuns
- glitterlovestruck
- magicalidea
- cakeswallop
- altruiskinky
- singingocean
- nostalgiccakes
- mumbograce
- positivepie
- chocolatepopsicle
Final Words
Have you found the best Twitter username for your account?
If you did, you can use it without any worries as your Twitter name or username.
The usernames available in the above list for Twitter, you can use them for inspiration to create your own.
You need to keep in mind that the username of Twitter is different from your name on Twitter.
The username will be unique and on the other hand, the name can be the same.
In short, you can use the same name on Twitter as someone else.
What’s Next
Genshin Impact Usernames Ideas
Arsalan Rauf is an entrepreneur, freelancer, creative writer, and also a fountainhead of Green Hat Expert. Additionally, he is also an eminent researcher of Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Social Media, premium accounts, codes, links, tips and tricks, etc.