Do you have any issues to resolve on the Discord application, for example, billing or related to phone verification?
Or do you want to give feedback about the Discord app?
If so, contact Discord support in order to get help.
There are various methods to contact Discord depending on your requirements.
However, before you contact Discord Support, you need to solve the issue by yourself first.
Visit the Discord help center to do it.
The help center of Discord has articles ranging from account settings to permissions.
You need to find the category that you need help with and visit the article that solves your problem.
For instance, if you have an issue with account settings, so you need to go to “Account Settings” category to get help.
In this post, I am going to teach you four ways to contact Discord to get assistance and to share your feedback too.
How to contact Discord
You can contact the support team by sharing your feedback, submit a request or email them at support@discord.com.
Before you contact them, you should try solving the problem by yourself by reading the articles available in the Discord help center.
The common issues of Discord are available in the help center in the form of various articles.
The categories have “Account Settings”, “Discord’s Interface”, “Getting Started” and so on.
For instance, If want to ask any question related to your account settings, you should visit “Account Settings” category.
After opening it, search the article that suits your issue or question to get the answer.
After doing these steps, if you are unable to solve your issue, you can contact discord directly by using their email or submitting a request to them.
The contact email of Discord is support@discord.com which allows you to contact them directly.
On the other hand, you can also use “Submit a request” page to describe your problem that you are facing and submit to the support team of Discord.
The team will review your request and you will get a response through email that you have given while contacting them.
There are 4 methods to contact Discord:
Method 1: Submit a request
The first method is to submit a request to Discord.
You can contact discord directly by submitting a request to discord.
This is an ideal method to approach Discord.
To get started, you need to Google the term “Discord support”.
After doing that, you will see a result that displays “Submit a request”.
On the other hand, you can click on this URL directly to submit a request to discord: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
When you click on it, it will directly take you to “Submit a request” page.
It enables the users to submit a request to the Discord support team.
First of all, you need to choose the category of your issue/problem.
So, to perform the task you need to click on the dropdown box that says “What can we help you with?”
After doing so, you need to choose the category of the issue.
For instance, if you need help or support, choose the “Help & Support” and click on it.
Now in the email address field, you need to enter your email address.
The email should be the same which you used to create your discord account.
The next step is to choose the type of question that you are going to ask.
To complete the process, you need to click on the type of question drop-down box and choose the type of question that you have.
Scroll down the page after selecting the type of question that you have.
You will come across the subject field under the “Type of question?” drop down box.
In the subject field, you need to give the subject of your problem.
For instance, if you want to change your age, you need to choose the subject as “I need help to change my age”.
Next, in the description field, you need to provide a description of your problem.
You need to be more specific so that discord can guide you in the right direction.
You can also add attachments under the field of “Description”.
However, you can use this option for certain topics including changing your age.
You need to attach a photo of your ID in attachments in order to change your age on discord.
To submit your request on discord, you need to click on submit.
Discord takes 24 to 48 hours to reply on the email address that you have given while submitting the request.
Method 2: Share your feedback
Discord allows its users to share their feedback in order to improve the application.
You need to go to the “Feedback page” in order to share your feedback.
You can find the discord “Feedback” page on discord help centre.
To get started, you need to go to discord help centre and click on feedback that is available on the top navigation bar.
After clicking on “Feedback”, you will be taken to “Community Topics” page.
On the other hand, you can click on this URL to visit the feedback page directly: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/topics
It will show you the new post button at the bottom of the community topics.
To make a new post, click on “New post”.
After clicking on new post, it will take you to the login page of Discord you must login to Discord in order to share your feedback.
Enter the email address and password in the email and password fields to log in.
To login into your account, click on “log in”.
When you log into your discord account, you will be on “what is your post about” page.
The page has two fields and one drop down box.
First of all, you need to enter the title of your feedback in the field of title.
In the details field, you need to provide your feedback.
Here is an example of feedback on discord: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360030063152-Quoting.
Now, choose the topic of your feedback.
To select the topic that is related to your feedback, you need to click on the “Topic” dropdown box.
For instance, if you want to give feedback about text chat select “Text chat”.
In the end, click on “Submit” to submit your feedback on the community of Discord.
Method 3. Contact Discord on Twitter/X
- Visit X.com and create a new account.
- Log in to your Twitter account.
- Post a tweet regarding your problem and tag @discord and @discord_support.
- You can also send a DM (direct message) to @discord or @discord_support to tell them about your issue.
Method 4: Email Discord
The last method to contact Discord is via email.
The official email address of discord is support@discord.com.
This is found in the reply of the official discord Twitter account.
You need to choose the subject of your problem and description in the email.
Additionally, you need to use the same email that is linked with your discord account.
After sending the email, the waiting time is about 24 to 48 hours for discord to respond.
Final Words
Apart from the previously discussed methods in this post, the best way to contact Discord is on their official Twitter account.
Their Twitter account is also very active and you get instant replies from them.
If you have a query then you can post a tweet and tag them using @discord.
You can also use the mail icon on the Twitter profile of discord to send them a direct message.
Discord gets many support requests on a daily basis so you have to be patient to get their response.
Most of the time, they reply in 24 to 48 hours.
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Arsalan Rauf is an entrepreneur, freelancer, creative writer, and also a fountainhead of Green Hat Expert. Additionally, he is also an eminent researcher of Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Social Media, premium accounts, codes, links, tips and tricks, etc.