In this post of Green Hat Expert, we shall discuss the WordPress guide for beginners or WordPress beginner guide.
The Ultimate WordPress Guide for Beginners
Welcome to this post of Green Hat Expert, where we are going to show you that how to create a WordPress website or blog. This guide is dedicated to new bloggers who want to create or set up their new blog on the platform of WordPress.
For existing WordPress bloggers, we are going to share pro tips as well. The existing bloggers should implement those tips to make their WordPress website or blog more professional.
This WordPress guide or tutorial will show you the following information:
- How and where to buy a web-hosting and a domain name for your WordPress website.
- Necessary things to setup your website after installing WordPress.
- Tasks you need to perform instantly after the configuration of WordPress (Step by Step Tutorial along with pictures.
- Essential WordPress plugins which you need to install and how to set them.
- Professional tips to make your website or blog grow rapidly.
- Basic SEO of your WordPress blog.
You can set up your WordPress blog or website within the next 10 minutes and you are good to go.
You need to keep in mind that this WordPress beginner guide is made with extreme care and we update it on regular basis. Bloggers can also bookmark this page for future information. You can also go through our blog to see more articles which you may find interesting and helpful for you.
Creating your WordPress blog (First step)
First of all, a blogger needs a web-hosting and a domain name to install or create a WordPress blog.
- Web-hosting will help you to sort out your files.
- The domain will be the name or URL of your blog.
You can buy web hosting from Bluehost or from any other hosting provider. It comes with a free domain and it will cost you 5.95$ per month for unlimited bandwidth and hosting space which is not expensive.
This process will need your 5 minutes and click the below link to get the hosting packages now.
- Sign up for Bluehost(Exclusive discount + free domain name)
Secondly, you need to install the WordPress platform in your domain name. This process will take additional 5-10 minutes. Below you will be able to get WordPress website tutorial.
- How to install WordPress on Bluehost within 5 minutes
After the installation of your WordPress platform, you will have to make a few amendments. It includes setting up permalinks, set up your discussion settings, update the ping list etc. You do not need to worry about it because you can do it easily and quickly with the help of our guide.
- Essential tips for settings after installing WordPress blog(This process should take another 10 minutes)
You have done a good job and your blog is good to go.
There are a few things to learn before moving on to the next level:
If you want to go to the next level you need to learn more things. It will help you to move smoothly and you can do it quickly will not be stuck anywhere.
WordPress For Beginners:
Use these guides as your reference:
- How to Install a WordPress Plugin
- How to Install WordPress Themes
After completing all the above steps, you have become a beginner from a newbie.
Now it is the time to install WordPress plugins which are essential.
- Begin from here: Useful list of WordPress plugins for a new blog
Now it’s time to embellish your blog with some important and useful things. Here they are:
- Firstly, you need to Burn your blog feed using Feedburner(This feature will allow your readers to subscribe to your blog via RSS feed or email updates etc.)
- Adding Google Analytics to your WordPress blog(This is very important as it will give you an overview that how much traffic you are getting on your blog on daily basis. Additionally, it will also tell you the source of traffic.
- Set up Google tag manager(We can call it a little bit of a pro-tip, but you should go through it and implement it right now. This will help you to manage all the tags, including the Google analytics tag.)
- Update WordPress ping list(Go to this post and copy/paste the list as we are guiding. It will help you to increase your traffic and you can drive more traffic to your blog.)
Beginner Tips To Blogging Like A WordPress Pro:
There are several mistakes which are major in nature, every newbie does when he creates a WordPress blog. He does not set up some things which are useful and create a huge difference. Every step needs 5 minutes and every aspect is helpful for a new website.
Now it is time to set up a few WordPress plugins which are essential and important.
- Firstly, activate the Akismet plugin and you can easily get your free API key and we are going to share a tutorial which will help you to get free API key. Additionally, it will also help you to add it to your website.
- Secondly, you need to install WordPress SEO by Yoast which is an amazing plugin. It is also free and can make your blog SEO friendly. This guide will guide you how to set up Yoast SEO plugin by WordPress on your website. It is an easy task if you are unable to complete this step kindly leave your comment below.
- WP Super Cache plugin(This plugin is very helpful because it will make your blog to load faster. But you have to ensure that you do not use any other cache plugin along with this plugin.)
- No self-ping WordPress plugin (Do not ping yourself!)
- WordPress related post plugins (You can use any of these plugins to add related posts along with thumbnails after every single post. It will be beneficial for your readers as well as for you. The readers will be able to discover the content easily on your website.)
- SocialWarfare WordPress plugin(This plugin will help you to get more social shares on social media websites.)
- PushEngage(We highly recommend this Free WordPress plugin to make your blog web-push ready.)
WordPress SEO: From Beginner to Intermediate Level
Congratulations! Welcome to the next level
Now, these steps will enable you to create the biggest difference when you compare your blog to other blogs. This section will make sure that you start getting traffic to your blog and people see your written post more and more.
This will need one hour to get everything done. If you have been doing as we have described in our WordPress guide for beginners. You should take a break now and come back with an active and fresh mind. You need to learn these tips with a fresh mind which will make you apart from other bloggers.
- Exclusive WordPress SEO training video from WordCamp(This video will answer most of your SEO queries in the next 30 minutes.)
- A DIY guide for WordPress Blog SEO
- How to SEO optimize individual posts in WordPress
- Why & How to submit your blog sitemap to Google Search console
- How to submit your blog sitemap to Bing Search engine
WordPress Pro Tips:
As we have promised that we shall share some pro tips with existing bloggers. This tip is for those bloggers who have been using WordPress for a while and want to learn new tips.
Note: Those who are beginners and reading this WordPress guide for beginners, they will need these tips after 2-3 months. The time of 2-3 months will be counted after starting your blog.
- How to reduce database size of your WordPress blog
- Broken Link checker plugin:
This plugin has the ability to find all broken links (internally and externally) and will fix them instantly.
WordPress Security
In this WordPress guide for beginners, you should have some know-how of security.
- Use WordFence pluginto boost your security.
- 7 Essential WordPress security tips
- 9 steps to secure your WordPress Blog
Kindly let us know if you want to share your experience or additional feature to this WordPress guide.
Don’t forget to subscribe to like our page and share it with other bloggers who are new in this business.
Arsalan Rauf is an entrepreneur, freelancer, creative writer, and also a fountainhead of Green Hat Expert. Additionally, he is also an eminent researcher of Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Social Media, premium accounts, codes, links, tips and tricks, etc.